Phone Number : 9400663700
E mail: jastinmuhamma@gmail.com
Guest Book
From: Linta R
Date: 05 May 2010, 07:19:00 PM
Subject: Bird Watching
We are two Indian students doing our undergraduate course at Asian
University for Women, Chittagong, Bangladesh.
While browsing the net for bird watching groups in Kerala, we came
across the bird sanctuary in Pathiramanal. Our Summer Project this
time is Avian Species diversity in various parts of Asia, and we
are to sample several habitats in our home communities. As a part
of the project, we have to collect some information regarding the
current status of avian species diversity in Kerala, along with
other pertinent issues on the topic. Even though we searched the
net for bird watchers in Kerala, the information available online
seems to be scarce. Therefore, we were hoping that you could help
us with collecting some information regarding Avian species diversity
in our state.
We would be really grateful if you could share to us any information
you have about NGOs, groups or individuals working on avian diversity.
Thanking you,
Linta and Aswathy
Date: Fri, 6 Jan 2012 11:58:38 +0530
From: kannan mohan <kvm478@gmail.com>
I am kannan v m, doing post gaduation in environmental science at
M G University Kottayam.As part of my course i would like to make
a report regarding pathiramanal island.I have already visited the
website created by you.Even though if you have more infomation regarding
that island can you share with me?And also i need the information
about the persons who can give some data about this.I really need
your help.Hope for an early reply.
from: Sownaj.AN@cognizant.com
date: Wed, Apr 6, 2011 at 3:30 PM
subject: pathiramanal visit
Hi Justin, We need some information regarding a visit to pathiramanal.•
From muhamma is there boat service on all days to pathiramanal or
is it restricted to only on Sundays?• Is it a good time to
visit this place around april?
From: Deepak Das <deepak2506@gmail.com>
Subject: congrats...............
Excellent effort, good luck
From: sreekumarg gpanicker <sreekumar1@hotmail.com>
Subject: Guest book (Pathiramanal site)
hai friend ,
A great work man!!! congrats....
From, saudi arabia
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